Join the email list for farm events
For Everyone
Community Potlucks at the farm!
First Sunday of the month, not quite every month (see dates below).
Kiddos especially welcome, calm dogs on leashes can also come 🙂
Check here for any last-minute changes!
Come anytime after 4 pm, we will aim to eat at 5. Please bring a dish to share – meats, veggies, ferments and beverages all welcome!
2023: Jan 1, Feb 5, April 2, June 4, August 6-CANCELED, Oct 1
RSVPs appreciated but not required:

For Farmers
I try to host seasonal potluck gatherings at our farm as an opportunity for us farmers to get together, share resources and find support! If you are interested in joining in, just email me – – to be added to the list.